

Melasma is a skin condition that affects many people. The phrase loosely translates to “black spot.” Melasma causes light brown, dark brown, and/or blue-gray areas on your skin. Flat patches or freckle-like markings are common. Face, especially the cheekbones, upper lip, and forehead, as well as the forearms, are commonly affected. Melasma is known as the “pregnancy mask” because it commonly affects pregnant women. Melasma often darkens and lightens over time, with summers being worse and winters being better.

Melasma is also known as chloasma, which is a less frequent term. Despite the fact that this disease is absolutely innocuous, some people may feel self-conscious about it. 

Our melasma treatment dermatologist is an expert in treating melasma.

Where does Melasma most commonly occur?

Melasma is most typically found on the cheekbones, nose, chin, upper lip, and forehead. It can cause problems with your arms, neck, and back. Melasma can damage any area of your skin that is exposed to the sun. As a result, most melasma sufferers observe that their symptoms intensify in the summer.

What happens to the skin?

There are three layers to your skin. The epidermis is the outermost layer, the dermis is the intermediate layer, and the subcutis is the deepest layer. It’s a huge organ that accounts for around one-seventh of your body weight. Your skin serves as a barrier. It defends your bones, muscles, organs, and other body parts against the cold, pathogens, sunlight, dampness, harmful chemicals, injuries, and more. It also aids in the regulation of body temperature, the prevention of dehydration, and the perception of feelings such as the warmth of the stove, the fur on your dog’s belly, and the pressure of another person’s palm on yours.

Melanocytes are cells in your epidermis that store and create melanin, which is a dark pigment. Melanocytes create more melanin in reaction to light, heat, UV radiation, or hormone stimulation, which is why your skin darkens.

What are the signs of melasma?

Melasma is a skin condition that develops light brown, dark brown, and/or blue patches or freckle-like areas. The patches might become red or irritated at times.

Is there a cure for melasma?

Melasma is difficult to cure. Your healthcare professional will need to figure out what’s causing the melasma before coming up with a treatment strategy. Is it the sun? Your contraception? Genetics? Is that your soap? Too much time in front of the screen?

Melasma may fade away on its own, be permanent, or react to therapy within a few months, depending on the individual. Melasma will go away in most cases with time and appropriate shielding from sunshine and other sources of light.

Unfortunately, there is no one melasma treatment that can help it go away completely. There is no technique to eliminate cutaneous pigment at this time. 

What treatment do we use?

Melasma can be obstinate even when you stick to your treatment strategy. Melasma is still visible in certain persons. Researchers have been exploring this issue and have made various therapy breakthroughs.

To improve your results, our dermatologist may add one or more of the following to your treatment plan:

  • Chemical peel: During this procedure, your dermatologist applies a chemical solution to the melasma. This can help remove excess pigment.
  • Microneedling: This minimally invasive procedure creates microscopic tears in your skin. As the skin heals, it tends to have a more even skin tone.
  • Laser and light treatments: A few studies have found that adding a laser or light treatment can improve results for patients who are already applying medication to their skin and protecting their skin from the sun.

Platelet-rich plasma: This procedure involves taking a small amount of your blood, placing the blood into a machine that separates the blood into layers, and then injecting the layer of blood known as plasma into the skin with melasma. This can help even your skin tone.